List of IFSC code, MICR code and addresses of all bank branches in India. Find verified IFSC codes quickly to use for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Ans: Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an eleven character alphanumeric code that helps in transferring funds online for NEFT, IMPS and RTGS transactions.
Ans: The IFSC code helps to identifying a specific bank branch.
Ans: It is very easy to find the bank name using the IFSC code. The first four characters of the IFSC code represents the bank name. So, if the bank name is ICICI, then the IFSC code will look something like ICIC0001420.
Ans: MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is a special ink that is sensitive to magnetic fields. It is printed on the bottom of a cheque. A MICR code is a 9-digit code that uniquely identifies the bank and branch participating in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS)
Ans: MICR is a technology that helps in verifying the originality of cheques or other paper documents. It is used mainly by banks to process cheques faster. A MICR code that uniquely identifies the bank and branch participating in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS).
Ans: You can transfer money from one bank account to another through online mode using methods like National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Real-time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), and Unified Payment Interface (UPI).
Ans: No, the SWIFT code is used when the transfer of funds between banks takes place internationally while IFSC is used for transferring funds within India. SWIFT is a bank identifier code while IFSC is used to identify a specific bank branch.
Ans: No, when the location of a bank’s branch is changed, then the IFSC code will not change. When the bank account is shifted from one branch to another branch of bank, then the IFSC code will be change.
Ans: No, IFSC code is not the same as branch code. Branch code is a part of the IFSC code, it is not the same.
Ans: IFSC code is generally present on the top part of every cheque leaf or near the bank branch address. You can also find the IFSC code on the top of a cheque leaf near the bank account number.
Ans: IFSC code is mandatory to process all the IMPS transactions. If the receiver’s MMID is not available, then he/she needs to add the receiver as a payee, for which details such as bank account number, name, and IFSC are required.
Ans: MICR code is printed on the bottom of a cheque leaf, next to the cheque number.
Ans: Yes, IFSC code is a unique eleven-digit alphanumeric code.
Ans: Yes, IFSC code can be found on the cheque and passbook provided by the bank.. As per a directive from the Reserve Bank of India, banks must print the IFSC and MICR codes on the passbooks, account statements and cheques issued by them.